
Enabling Teams desktop integration for the Anywhere365 Attendant Console
The Anywhere365 Attendant Console comes with a tool to enhance integration with the Teams desktop application. The Anywhere365 Desktop Integrator (hereafter integrator) acts as a bridge between the Attendant application and the Microsoft Teams application. It reduces the number of user actions need for call handling. The integrator adds the following functionality: 1. When a call is answered in the Attendant, the integrator automatically answers the incoming call in Teams and minimizes the call window. This allows the attendant to continue without having to interact with the Teams call window. 2. When a call is started from the Attendant, the integrator automatically accepts the call in Teams and minimizes the call window. 3. After a call has ended, sometimes the call windows remains with a rejoin option. As this is no longer applicable, the integrator will automatically close this window.