
Provide a secure, user-friendly, and free solution for electronically signing documents on your computer.
The eParakstītājs 3.0 program is designed to provide a secure, user-friendly, and free solution for electronically signing documents on your computer. With eParakstītājs 3.0, you can: - Sign electronic documents using your eID card (supports Latvian, Lithuanian, and Estonian eID cards), eParaksts mobile, or eParaksts card. - Choose your preferred document format for signing – .eDoc, .pdf, or .ASiC-E. - Verify electronically signed documents, ensuring their compliance and security. - Seal documents with an eZīmogs if you are a representative of a business. eParakstītājs 3.0 complies with eIDAS regulations, ensuring the highest levels of security and trust in digital document management. It utilizes the OpenXML format to create electronic documents, ensuring compatibility and ease of use.