FastCopy.FastCopy 5.8.1

The Fastest Copy/Backup Software on Windows

FastCopy is the Fastest Copy/Backup Software on Windows. It supports UNICODE and over MAX_PATH (260 characters) file pathnames. It automatically selects different methods according to whether Source and DestDir are in the same or different HDD (or SSD). Diff HDD Reading and writing are processed respectively in parallel by separate threads. Same HDD Reading is processed until the big buffer fills. When the big buffer is filled, writing is started and processed in bulk. Reading/Writing are processed with no OS cache, so other applications do not become slow. It can achieve Reading/Writing performance that is close to the device limit. Include/Exclude Filter (UNIX Wildcard style) can be specified. ver3.0 or later, Relative Path can be specified. It runs fast and does not hog resources, because MFC is not used. (Designed using Win32 API and C Runtime only)

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