
ChromasPro is for assembly of sequence reads into contigs, with a graphical contig editor which displays aligned chromatograms. It also peforms general sequence analysis such as restriction enzyme mapping, open-reading-frame searches, and BLAST submission.

ChromasPro is suitable for DNA sequence assembly projects up to a few megabases, and basic sequence editing and analysis. It is able to assemble data from Sanger sequencers such as ABI, and 454 and Illumina next-generation sequencers, with up to 1,000,000 sequences if 8 Gb RAM is available. ChromasPro has the following features: - Open sequences in Applied Biosystems .ab1, Staden Chromatogram (SCF and ZTR), 454 SFF, FASTA, FASTQ, EMBL, GenBank, SwissProt, GenPept, GCG RSF and plain text formats. - Save sequences in .ab1, .scf, .fasta and .fastq formats. - Assemble overlapping sequences using a graphical interface, generate a consensus and highlight ambiguities for editing. - Use quality data to automatically remove low quality sequence for improved sequence assembly. - Use a reference sequence as a scaffold for assembly. - Generate restriction site and fragment maps, and list cutters, non-cutters and fragments. - Map open reading frames, aided by a G+C frame plot, and translate ORFs with one click. - Print chromatograms, restriction site and fragment maps, and open reading frame maps. - Perform nucleotide and protein BLAST searches through the NCBI web site. - Perform multiple alignments by interfacing with ClustalW. - Reverse & complement sequences and chromatograms. - Search for sequences by exact matching or optimal alignment. - Display translations when editing nucleotide sequences. - Perform reverse translations and plot nucleotide degeneracy. - Plot hydrophilicity and antigenicity of proteins. - Copy an image of a chromatogram section for pasting into documents or presentations.

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